ADA Accommodations

Lincoln University Application for ADA Accommodations

Dear Applicant, 

Lincoln University assists students with disabilities by helping to remove barriers to success.

To request accommodations, please fill out and submit this form. If you would prefer to complete the form in person, please email to schedule an appointment.

Please note: The best time to request services is before classes begin.

The Provost’s Office


  1. Complete this application form either online, in person, or by phone.

  2. Submit documentation from a medical professional that describes your disability, its effects on your academic performance, and the medical professional’s recommendations (if any) for accommodations.

  3. Schedule an appointment with the provost by indicating your availability on this form. Have your medical documentation with you at the meeting.

  4. After the meeting, the provost will determine what accommodations (if any) are approved.

  5. Instructors and other necessary staff will be informed in writing of the approved accommodations, and you will also receive copy of the accommodation notice.

  6. You should stay in communication with course instructors to ensure that your accommodation plan is being effectively implemented, and to make any necessary adjustments.

Please provide the following information. All fields are required.

    Days you are usually available  
    Times you are usually available

    Disability Information (please check all the apply)
    ADD/ADHDAllergyAsperger/AutismBrian InjuryDeaf & Hard of HearingLearning DisabilityMedical ConditionsMobility ImpairmentPost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Psychological/Emotional DisabilitySpeech & Language ImpairmentTemporaryDisabilityVisual ImpairmentOther. Please specify: